Thursday 30 August 2012

In Bordeaux waiting for a train

Bonjour. I made it safely to Bordeaux, and I'm sitting in a picturesque cafe across from the train station. I went for a short walk but the neighborhood appears a little sketchy as neighborhoods often do near train stations. Lots of iron bars on windows, sex shops and a peep show. Decided sitting at an outdoor cafe was a good choice.  People are friendly, accept my limited French and are generally quite helpful.
I was delighted to see my hiking poles come through the baggage check unscathed.  A good start to the journey.
Even though many things seem different here, lots of things are just the same as at home. iPhones everywhere you look, Ford cars and Hondas, burnt grass from a drought. I saw a great light rail system in Bordeaux, running up the middle of the street, grass covers the track bed except on intersections, it may be similar to the Byron strip/NCC proposedal by the city of Ottawa.
I'm off to catch my train, will buy a bottle of water first, can't find a fountain and given that you have to pay 0.50€ to use the toilet I doubt free water will be an option.
I am booked into a hostel in St Jean Pied de Port tonight, they have agreed to wait up for me... I feel very fortunate. My walk will begin tomorrow with a short 8 km climb in the Pyrennes to Orisson. Thanks to David & Michael for suggesting I break the first and most difficult day of walking into two sections while I recover from lack of sleep and jet lag.
Onward, my real journey is about to begin.

1 comment:

  1. So exciting. Sounds like everything is going well. Speedy recovery from the jet lag.
    I am shocked to hear about the peep
    Looking forward to hearing more about your journey!
