Sunday 9 September 2012

2 of 2 posts -Villafranca 28 km Sunday

Hola! I had an excellent sleep and an excellent walk today. Though I planned to walk only 20 km I can't seem to stop myself and continued on for 28 km. My blister is better but not perfect. After shower and laundry I met a pilgrim that I keep seeing but haven't spoken to before. We shared our "what's hurting" stories. He has experience with blisters and was kind enough to tend to mine. He used the scissors from my small knife, applied antiseptic to the blades before cutting open the new blister to drain it. All of this done while drinking a cafe con leche (coffee with hot milk) in the bar adjacent to the alburgue. He put a fresh Compeed on my toe and it feels much better. I will give him a package of Biofreeze in exchange for his kindness, he has a sore knee.
I have met many new friends over the past two days, from Germany, Holland, Switzerland, New Zealand and Denmark. Thankfully for me, many speak English and others translate when necessary. I keep seeing a young man from France, he called me over today to take a picture of us huddled together. Two days ago when I passed him he said "Isn't it dangerous for your body to be walking so fast?" I laughed and told him I felt great. 
I still have dinner to enjoy and an evening to relax. Thanks to all for walking with me on this journey. I thought of you all yesterday when my walk was difficult, willing me on to continue. Many thanks. 


  1. Oh yes, the kindness of strangers is so important. It wouldn't be a pilgrimage without a few missed signs and wrong turns. There is always someone to get you back on track. Take care of those blisters. You are a real trooper! I am with you in spirit!

  2. Thanks so much Terri! I think of you when I'm walking, it's comforting to think that people I know have walked here before me.

  3. Aren't French people nice? Ah, I recognized my fellow countrymen. ;) Cuddling is nice, isn't it?
    I really enjoy reading your posts, Suzanne. Sounds like you're having a fantastic journey. Keep it up. A bientôt, mon amie.

    1. Oops. Ok. Huddling, cuddling. Same thing, right? ;) Ultimately, you're close to each other on the picture.
      Your list of new friends will be very long by the time you're done the camino.
      Have fun.

  4. Oh sweet sister you are such an inspiration to travel so fearlessly.

    Be careful with breaking your blisters. Neil says they contain a natural antiseptic and best left unattended. But then again if you can't walk on them......
    I look for your posts first thing everyday

    Love Lorraine

  5. Ahh yes. To help you keep walking. That's why you are draining them. No Epsom salts to help them along naturally!
    I love what Terri said about the strangers and wrong turns. It is to be expected faster walker :)
    And now so many friends from all over the world.
    Amazing what a good sleep can do eh.
    Missed reading your blog for a few days. Now I can't stop reading them! Must get caught up on the adventure! Omg I laughed at "isn't it dangerous for your body to be walking so fast"..
    Maybe a sign to slow down a bit ;) yanni from one speedy Gonzales to another :-P
