Wednesday 19 September 2012

Astorga - 32 km, El Acebo - 39 km

Tuesday to Astorga - Villadangos was a noisy and difficult night's sleep in the municipal alburgue where 27 beds filled one room.  I was happy to wake up early and start walking by 6:20 am. The road route was also noisy for the first 11 km walking beside a highway full of trucks so the pace was fast. Once we reached the beautiful town of Hospital de Orbigo we had a welcome one hour stop on a balcony overlooking a famous 20 arch stone bridge, 204 m long. There is barely any water running under the bridge as is the case in many of Spain's bridges, rivers seem to have dried up.
The remaining 21 km on the "walkers' route" to Astorga was a welcome change from the earlier noisy route. Astorga is a lovely city with beautiful churchs and a Gaudi church as well. The albergue had a foot bath in the courtyard to soak your feet in, filled with salt and vinegar, heavenly. To cap it off I slept blissfully for nine hours which led to....
Wednesday - 39 km. though my walking partners and I intended to go 27 km to Foncebadon we felt so good walking up the hills we decided to carry on. This meant that we passed the famous Cruz De Ferro where pilgrims lay down a stone brought from home, some say to leave your sins behind, others leave their problems.  It was a moving experience. There is also a sundial there where you can stand on a brass plate and your shadow tells you the exact time.
The walk was challenging and exhilarating. El Acebo is a pleasant stone village full of wandering friendly dogs and a wonderful B&B for vegetarians.  I treated myself for the night and am happily stuffed after a spectacular meal.
Buenos noches.


  1. I stopped for coffee in El Acebo and I remember a delightful gentleman carving walking sticks on the street. What a lovely place to spend a night! I can't believe the distances you are doing every day!
    Buen Camino

  2. Oh c'mon you can't believe those distances terry? This is a woman who's ran over 90kms in a week!
    50 something in six hours!
    Helll, I can believe it and find it very inspiring, motivating and emotional!
    Churches are marvelous and very captivating to look at. Such beauty and history.
    I love them. So much I've read ken follets Pillars of the Earth. My only 1000 page book I've read.
    Way to treat yourself. You are doi g great my friend. Thanks again for sharing.
    Big hugs.
