Monday 3 September 2012

Cizur Menor

Two great days of walking. My quads are starting to hurt and a kind lady at the alburgue wrapped my toe in gauze covered in a brown liquid, it feels good now. A little Biofreeze on my back and I'm a happy pilgrim. The scenery is outstanding, the landscape changes each day, as does the elevation and footing. A mix of soft paths, rocky down-hill sections, flagstones... Pretty much everything you can come across. So far it has been mostly cool weather, thankfully.
Dinner last night (small town, no restaurant) brown bread and nutella! After 27 km it was heavenly, but not as good as the peanut butter & nutella sandwich I ate for lunch today, that was the best sandwich I think I've eaten (no, I'm not being sarcastic, outdoors all day, lots of walking and I have a new perspective on many things).
Tonight's pilgrim dinner was great - fish, chickpeas and tiramisu.
I have met so many great people, I think that may be the best part of the Camino. Passersby in Pamplona wish pilgrims a Buen Camino, even though thousands of pilgrims must pass through each month. People take time to help each other, pilgrim or not.
I look forward to tomorrow's journey and hope for a good night's sleep, something that has been in short supply between a general level of excitement for being here, jet lag, random middle of the night fire alarms, and the ever present snoring chorus... I haven't figured out how to keep my earplugs in, they seem to pop out after I fall asleep(?)
Walk on!


  1. It's so different walking, compared to running. I find it much harder on my legs and joints.
    Sounds fantastic though. Great self care.
    Dinner sounded tasted. I giggled about your peanut butter and nutella sandwich!

  2. Love following your amazing journey. Thank you for blogging

  3. Before you try to insert the foam ear plug into your ear you have to make it small enough to fit. In order to do this just roll it between your fingers until it is small enough to fit. Start off by rolling it gently between your thumb and forefinger and middle finger, making sure not to let any wrinkles get into the roll. Wrinkles will let sound in and you don't want that.

    Then gradually roll tighter and tighter until it's rolled into a very small cylinder, you will have to use quite a bit of strength in order to get it really small. When you have done that, you need to figure out which ear you want to start with. If you are going to insert it into your left ear, transfer the foam cylinder into your left hand and keep rolling. With your right hand reach across the top of your head and grasp the top of your ear with your thumb and forefinger and gently lift upwards. This will make your ear canal open up for easier insertion.

    Now keep rolling the ear plug until you get it up to your ear and gently insert it into your ear canal. Most of it should go into your ear and only a small amount should be outside the ear, so you can grasp it when you want to pull it out. It should only take about one minute for the foam ear plug to regain its shape inside your ear. You might hear some crackling while this is happening. Just follow these instructions to insert the foam ear plug into the other ear.
