Wednesday 5 September 2012

Cirauqui to Los Arcos 36 km

I arose early to head out, in the dark, at 6:25 am today (I noticed the posts are showing Ottawa time, add 6 hours :-). My intention was to walk to Villamayor de Monjardin, a 24 km journey. The hitch was that there were only 25 beds at the alburgue, assigned on a first come first served basis and my chances would be good if I could get there by 1:00 pm. I walked over a Roman bridge and the best-preserved stretch of Roman road on the Camino, it is almost a little haunting to imagine all of the people, pilgrims and carts that would have travelled on these roads before me. I climbed more hills which seem to be absent from my elevation map, arriving in Villamayor  before noon. Well, like a good Roadrunner I thought, "no sense sitting around all day", so I pressed on 12 km to the next town. What I didn't expect was: 1. It was the first hot day I've had. 2. It was the first day I've had a dusty track with no shade for the entire 12 km. 3. It was the first day I ran out of water with 6km to go. When I started to get a little dizzy, I used the last dribble of water I had left to mix up an electrolyte powder drink (thank you Neil). I arrived with dust literally up to my thighs, hungry as an ox and very glad to be here.  A shower never felt so good and the food I inhaled never tasted so good. It all ended well and I'm sitting with my feet up, still smiling. 
Buen Camino. 


  1. Great blog-- and glad to see that you're enjoying all aspects of the Camino! David

  2. I agree with David.

    Wow..what an expedition. It will definitely be one to share with Ray Zahab..It seems you were pushing it but nothing like pushing your limits and you still made it smiling! Yay! It will be those days you push it and you are left feeling out right exhausted almost beyond repair, and then to see the strength that comes out of you then! Whoa. lol I know it's taken great courage to be where you are now. I am so glad to be a part of it by reading your blogs!
    I think it's a little overwhelming to think of how many pilgrims have travelled the same steps before you but also a good sign!
    Buen Camino!

    1. Sorry for not writting to you sooner but things are crazy at work as we are staring a new module. It seems that you are doing very well enjoying the challenge and the experience, I really enjoy reading daily adventures. Back at Fisher the gang is now running sevens and ones and are goal is to get to tens and ones by the Oct. 21 race. We think of you daily and hope you`re truly enjoying your experience. Write to you soon. (We are strong, we are runners)
      Denis and the Salus running group.

  3. You didn't pack some dried water for your trip?

    1. Natalie, what a great idea! Do they sell that at MEC? :-p. :-)

  4. Suzanne I have been thinking about you lately and wondering how your adventure has been going. I might be a bit jealous and definitely inspired. Heather
